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Mihaly Album Poster

Even before we started (SALT) Records, we were all about supporting the ventures of artists. Our publisher got his start interviewing musicians on the back of a 1966 Imperial on a little show called “The Imperial Records” – In this tradition, we thought it wise to try and raise a bit of food money for Mihaly, the first artist on (SALT) Records who is currently on tour with another friend of the family The Ugly Architect.

If anyone who is reading this has been on tour, they will know that at times, yes, it can be fun. However, there are large portions of the day where you are in the back of a van, with zero creature comforts careening from town to town, city to city, night after night.

For the LOW LOW price of $3.50 per print, you can feel confident knowing that your money is going directly to the artist to support them on tour.

Just listen for yourself:

Plus its also just a really cool looking poster.

Buy This 11×17 Poster Print For $3.50
100% Proceeds go back to Mihaly

Leo Whitman